What's in a name?

I chose to read "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon for my free read novel. From the start, I noticed that the title, as well as the author's name, were written in all lowercase letters which sparked my curiosity. This pattern of lowercase letters could indicate that it was written from the perspective of a character who doesn't understand the grammar concept of using uppercase letters in a name or a title. To start breaking down the actual title, "The Curious Incident" reveals that there was some kind of mystery that occurred. The word "curious" tells us that there might have been many questions sparked from this specific situation, or it could refer to someone's drive to discover more about this event. I definitely think there will be some kind of a mystery getting solved in this novel based on that word alone. The word "incident" means that something very specific happened and was significant enough to be recognized as an incident. The second half of the title "of the Dog in the Night-time" reveals that this incident had to do with an animal, more specifically a dog, who experienced something at night. Since the words "night-time" are in the title, it makes the reader think of darkness and gives off a mysterious feeling. Based on the whole title, I can predict that this book will involve solving a mystery that deals with a certain dog as the main focus.


  1. Excellent blog post! I really enjoyed how you took apart the title piece by piece and analyzed each word. You have formed a very good assumption and having known nothing about the actual story, I would support your theory. Your critical analysis was well thought out! Your blog is overall appealing to the reader because of the color coordination of the book cover and the background. I am excited to hear what you think of the novel.

  2. Diana, I really enjoyed reading your blog! The title of your novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, gave me a good insight of the story without reading it. I liked how you described the mystery of the dog’s death without giving away the novel as a whole. I also enjoyed the color scheme you used and your use of a picture of the book cover in your blog!

  3. This blog post is a great description and prediction of what this novel may be about. You did a really good job of picking apart the title and seeing what each word may mean in terms of how it relates to the storyline. I love to read mystery books, and I know I would probably enjoy reading this book very much. I cannot wait to continue to read your blog and find out what this story may be about.

  4. Your blog posts are amazing and very thorough. I feel like you are hooked on the novel and are picking up on minor details. Your deep analysis of the title has sparked my interest along with your images. I also loved how you provided a picture to your readers of the image you were personally thinking while you were reading the novel. I find that your explanation of the setting definitely matches the image that you selected. I will definitely stay updated on your posts!


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